Sunday, May 5, 2013

Gásadalur - Time for the Film!

Now that I'm back, the next phase of fun begins... Running my Film! This is Gásadalur where those of us that braved the super high winds clung to the cliff for this image. I know there are some really good shots of this scene coming from others as well, so stay tuned.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Last blog post..

So I leave this blog with one of my breathtaking discoveries of the Faroes. Apart from the fantastic landscapes I'm thrilled to have met Tóndur Patturson and his art. This is in the Catholic Church in Thorshavn, and a very favourite of mine:

Be well! And try to visit these wonderful islands if you can. Léon

Last day :-(

It's a sad fact but this is our last day here on the Faroes. This morning we had a great shoot at the Saksun village. All the sheep along the road had this melancholic look in their eyes as if they new we are flying out early tomorrow morning..
But there it is.. Nothing to be done about it. It was a fabulous trip with a great group of kind people with a binding healthy passion for photography, all very well organised and led by Bill!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

On Kunoy Island

The farmer, Jón told me that this house is several hundred years old. Now it is for his sheep to get out of the weather. A room with a view for some lucky sheep!

The Crew

The fearless crew today in the beautiful village of Vidareidi on Vidoy Island.
L-R Steven, Deena, Léon, Ian, Linda, Ike and Bill

Snow !

Back to Vidoy today.. Partly because Ian had missed it the first time we were there due to a severe cold. It's not a site to be missed! On the other hand it had snowed the whole night and the mountains were looking spectacular like this one near Klaksvik:

When arriving at Vidoy it all looked great again although the skies were a bit to flat for really great images. After shooting for a few hours we went to have lunch and all hell broke lose, heavy snow fell for the rest of the day. That's typical for the Faroese weather; four seasons in a day.. As long as you are at the right moment at the right spot your images will be great..
church at Vidareidi

Monday, April 29, 2013

Bøur Village

Certainly one of the prettiest villages on the Faroes, and what a view..

After doing some shooting we met our new friend; the "digger dog" showing of his digging capabilities on the small beach.. We became close friends instantly and Bill shot a great film of his act.. He's by far the most famous dog in Bøur!

Heavy wind at Gásadalur..

This afternoon at Gásadalur, my camera tied to a wooden pole for safety against the raving winds..

What a site!!  I tried a few long exposures and was able to hold the camera still on the tripod for  a long enough time to get a sharp image.. I hope it works out fine whilst editing later on; it took enormous effort to shoot it!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

A Short Sampling of Time Lapse

From the last couple of days. Raw footage that will be added to the movie I am crating from this trip.

10% Alcohol in Faroese Home Brew...

Ike with that glow that only a pint of the best Faroese beer can provide. :)

Yeah... yeah... I'm handsome. Get over it.

A regal Faroese sheep... The one that didn't run from this hideous human.

Ike is very right.. But this morning was dry!

My good old camera cooking up a long exposure at Vidoy..
Great clouds again, till it started raining in the afternoon..

Rained out this afternoon

From my Hotel Window

Friday, April 26, 2013

Resume day 2

Apart from the incredible scenery, the weather is exactly my cup of  tea..
The clouds have been stunning all day and the wind helps me enormously with my long exposure black and white images.. It's going to be a joyful undertaking to edit them in the next months..

An iPhone shot through the window of our van, decending to Funningur. I hope for the same conditions today as we go to Vidoy island...

In the Gorge... Gjógv

A white knuckle, snowy drive over the mountains today was well worth it as we arrived in the village of Gjógv and had coffee, tea and a fantastic vegetable soup before visiting the natural attraction for which the village gets it's name. A magnificent gorge cut into the cliffs that provides a safe refuge from the North Atlantic's waves. Pictured below inside the gorge is a ghost stairway into the water.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Day 2

Parlament building, just 3 minutes from our hotel in Thorshavn.
The scenery is overwhelming here on the Faroes, beyond anything I expected.
Off to breakfast now and eager for day 2!

Beach Detail - Tjørnuvik

What Ike said... Spent the entire day exploring the Island of Stremoy from top to bottom. It always takes some time to ramp up and start feeling it, but if today is any indication, it's going to be a great 10 days. The group is meshing well and I can already tell the work from this trip will be top shelf.

Great First Day

Looking forward to seeing the film from this spot.  This place is amazing!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Night and Day

It was a long day of travel getting here, but worth every minute. The group is together after a successful meet up in Copenhagen. We arrived to some pretty fine weather by Faroese standards. After some fine local brew and our first dinner together, we're all pretty wiped out and hitting our pillows. Time to dream about all that is to come!

Here's the view of Torshavn Harbor upon arrival as well as a few minutes ago. 10 o'clock and still light out. That's how I like it! Goodnight all! Stay tuned for much more!

Monday, April 22, 2013


I just checked in my flight to Copenhagen and received my virtual boardingpass!
How a dream unfolds into reality!

I collected all my gear; my weary old tripod, my camera, my two faithful lenses, a few filters (meticulously cleaned, for the first time during their excistence ;-) ), some clothes, some Danish Krones and my passport.. And above all my favourite collection of music, no life or journey without it!

Eager to meet my fellow travellers at Copenhagen!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Good Fortune

Last night while eating in the local Chinese eatery, this is what popped out of my fortune cookie. Pretty wild, eh?

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Where Are the Faroe Islands???

I get a lot of questions from people wondering just where the Faroe Islands are. Draw a triangle with Iceland, Scotland and Norway as points and just about in the center is where you'll find them. Comprising 18 islands in total, they are a magical place that I like to describe as a cross between Iceland and Ireland.

Gearing Up!

Getting the gear shined up and ready to go! This time the Xpan gets to come along as well. It is left home all too often as it can be a distraction, but I love it and it is time for it to see the Faroes.  I often feel that too many choices on a trip like this can be counter productive, but that's no reason to leave a wonderful camera at home. One of these days I hope to make it the only camera I bring, but not this time.

Wheels up day after tomorrow! Very much looking forward to meeting the group in Copenhagen! Safe travels everyone!

Final Preparations

I'm new to blogging!  Getting my gear ready for this incredible adventure!!  Weather will certainly be different from California!

Monday, March 25, 2013


Very excited here.  Steve and I can hardly wait for those ferry rides between islands.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Time for the Faroe Islands!

Gearing up for departure on the 23rd of April! Sign on as a follower and get on the bus! We'll be updating the blog from the road soon!